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Title: Labor Management Procedure
Authors: Sustainable Land Management Program Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project -II (P174385- RLLP-II)
Keywords: Labor Management Procedure
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP) Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project
Abstract: Implementation Process and Procedure The startup point for implementing RLLP-II at the Woreda level, on the one hand, will be the establishment of Woreda Steering Committee (WSC), Woreda Technical Committee (WTC) and assigning or Recruiting Woreda focal Person (WfP), on the other hand the startup point for implementing RLLP-II at Kebele level is the establishment of Kebele Watershed Team (KWT), and Community Watershed Team (CWT) in the newly added Woredas and strengthening these platforms in the existing woredas. The CWT will be established with appropriate representation of upper, middle and lower parts of the watershed and comprises at least 50 percent of female during the planning. The first general meeting of the watershed community in which all communities within the watershed will be invited to participate in the planning constitutes a major critical step in the process. Under the facilitation of the WFP and supports from the WTC, the general assembly of watershed community identifies major problems in the watershed along with the possibilities of addressing the problems in the framework of RLLP-II. Preferential ranking and priority setting will be carried out following democratic principles and procedures including voting if consensus cannot be attained- simple majority decision. The planning processes will be demand driven and will follow a bottom-up approach to lay foundation for all interventions to be carried out and ensure sustainability. The watershed development plans will be developed under the ownership of the CWT with the support of the WTC and ZTC. At the onset of the planning process, biophysical and socio-economic survey and assessment of the whole watershed will be undertaken, as described in the CBPWDG. The results of the watershed assessment along with identified watershed priority actions will be presented to the general meeting of the watershed community for amendment. Presentation to the general assembly will properly describe the priority problems to be addressed, associated actions and targets, location of the actions within the watershed, duration and responsibility centers of the actors.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/79
Appears in Collections:Manuals

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