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Title: Gender Mainstreaming Guideline
Authors: Ministry of Agriculture Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP)
Keywords: Gender Mainstreaming Guideline
Issue Date: Jan-2014
Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP)
Abstract: This gender mainstreaming guideline offers a user-friendly and concise material. It has been prepared for use in the implementation of the SLMP-II for use by planners and implementers of the project, partners, as well as the community. The goal of the guideline is to give direction on how to achieve equal access by men and women to the benefits of the sustainable land management activities. The specific objectives were: (a) identify key gender issues in SLMP programming; (b) propose gender guidelines, checklists and gender sensitive indicators; and (c) provide checklists for planning using the project cycle. A study was made in two sample regions Amahra and SNNP, as well as with all representatives of the six SLMP intervention regions (Amahra, Oromiyaa, Tigray, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, and SNNP Regional States) who gathered for the Adama planning workshop. Feedbacks from reviews as well as the one day validation workshop at the Ministry of Agriculture were obtained and incorporated as appropriate. The document provides definitions of concepts in gender and gender mainstreaming, the context within which the guideline was conceived, its objectives and methodology of development; followed by key gender issues, and ways of addressing them, indicators for monitoring gender mainstreaming implementation. The chapter on gender analysis appearing in the annex presents additional insight of gender issues. It shows the framework within which the gender analysis was conducted. It is recommended that users of this manual read this section; preferably before going into the guideline section of the document, composed of definition of the concept of gender mainstreaming, and gender mainstreaming in SLMP-II components.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/76
Appears in Collections:Manuals

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