Document Repository

Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP/RLLP) Community home page

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) recognizes that land degradation is a major economic growth constraining factor not only as an impediment to accelerated and sustainable socioeconomic development, but also as a serious obstacle to the wellbeing of its people. As a result, nationally, the two phases Growth and Transformation Plans (GTP I, 2010 - 2015 and GTP II, 2015 - 2020) has considered the priority investment to landscape restoration through mass mobilization of the community. At this stage Government has also developed 10 Years Perspective Plan (2021 – 2030). Supportive to the government plan, Ministry of Agriculture is implementing a nationwide Ethiopian Strategic Investment Framework (ESIF, 2010) to guide a systematic approach to combat pressure over the land resources. The Development Partners through bilateral and multilateral partnership has supporting the government’s efforts in implementing Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP).


Sub-communities within this community


Assessment and Progress Reports

Assessment and Progress Reports


Framework Documents

Framework Documents





Traditional Knowledge and Innovations

Traditional Knowledge and Innovations