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Title: Ethiopia: Experiences and Lessons in Sustainable Land Management (1980–2020)
Authors: The author team is composed of senior experts from the MoA-NRS: Mr Abenet Mengesha, Mr Habtamu Hailu and Mr Hailu Hundie and senior experts from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Mr Melaku Tadesse, Mr Tewodros Gebreegziabher, Dr Zewdu Wuletaw, Dr Gebremedhin Weldewahid, Britta Carola Petersen, Mr Aregawi Gebrekidan, Mrs Ametemariam Gebremichael, Mr Ayehu Legesse, Mr Getachew Tamiru, Mr Girma Gebrehawariat, Dr Girum Alemu, Mr Hailemariam Teffera, Mrs Leonore Gruenberg, Ms Merhawit Tsegay, Mr Tesfay Halefom, Mr Teshome Demissie, Mr Workneh Fisseha, Mr Wuletaw Belayneh, Mr Yohannes Alene and Mr Zelalem Behailu. This team has been led by Mr Tewodros Gebreegziabher (Senior Natural Resource Management Advisor) and Dr Girum Alemu (Senior Institutional Development Advisor) of GIZ
Keywords: Experiences and Lessons in Sustainable Land Management; Climate Sensitive Innovations for Land Management (CLM) Programme
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Abstract: This book elaborates the advances in implementing SLM in Ethiopia since the start of the soil and water conservation programmes in the 1970s. The book provides insights into the evolution of SLM, the implementation processes, institutional arrangements and the practices and approaches followed over the past 50 years. Furthermore, it highlights the lessons learned and experiences gained in pilot SLM watersheds that can be scaled out to landscape and basin level in the future. This compendium of SLM implementation in the Ethiopian Highlands allows for a better understanding of how to integrate land management into the sustainable management and use of natural resources. The practical SLM experiences documented in this book are relevant to the MoA’s extension services as well as specialists working in research and academia. In addition, the natural resources management sector of the MoA will evaluate the experiences and lessons here for further scaling up during the implementation of its ten-year (2021–2030) strategic development plan. By 2030, the Natural Resources Management Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA-NRS) aims to significantly reduce soil erosion and increase biomass production, a goal which requires the mainstreaming of SLM in more than 10,000 watersheds throughout the country.
Appears in Collections:Manuals

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